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A newly laid grave awaits a marker at this hill-top cemetery in the Flint Hills, north of Elmdale, Kansas.

Here’s a little history about the church on the hill:

In 1881, Joshua Shipman made an offering of $100 to begin construction of a church. The cornerstone of the Elmdale Congregation Church was laid in 1883, and area carpenter Jonathan Wood designed the building and supervised construction.

The church was transferred in the late 1890s to the Trustees of the Congregational Church, and later resumed being a Christian Church. That church disbanded in 1999, and the Elmdale Cemetery Association bought the building and moved it one mile west of Elmdale to the Stoehr Cemetery, where it now sits on a hill overlooking Elmdale.

During World War I, the Red Cross used the church as a headquarters, where women rolled bandages, knitted socks and scarves, and made other apparel for the soldiers.

Thanks to Sonda Bruce for the history




  1. tom

    What an incredibly powerful, poignant image.

  2. roland

    This is a great shot.

  3. simon

    brilliant and, what's better, memorable.