Corn Row Sunset

Near Miller, Kansas

I was on an exploration trip with fellow photographer Herb Hobson yesterday. As the sun began to sink we were hoping to find some kind of evening (magic light) image. We drove around Miller, which has a ghost town look about it, then saw these rows of corn plants left standing. We grabbed a couple quick captures as the sun plummeted into the horizon. I had to do some tweaking to bring out detail and hope I didn’t overdo it here. It was really a bit grayer than this.




  1. tom

    No worries about overdoing it I think you got the atmosphere of that scene perfectly!

  2. Ralph

    Sunsets are always magic, whether over the Grand Canyon of Arizona or the Grand Prairies of Kansas. This is pure magic!

  3. Roger

    Cropland harvest Nirvana.

  4. Mary

    This is beautiful…lots of harvesting going on right now where I live…Nebraska…corn and soybeans. Kansas is beautiful country also. Thank you.