Elmo #2 (revised)

Elmo, Kansas – There is a kind of spirit that pervades the simplicity of the central plains. Those of us who live here understand it. Scenes like these, which are so spare, where so little is going on, can be really satisfying to us. Maybe it’s the uncluttered, open space. One can expand into it, unlike those of the city where the space already seems “taken”. Mindfulness comes easily in the country.




  1. Ray A.

    I have come to this place and stood in silence and then departed, having left no sign of my visit, but taken away some of the spirit of the place. Thank you for providing the opportunity for a moment of peace and quiet–salve for the soul.

  2. grant

    what a great old weathered building. the colors, and your composition are wonderful.

  3. Anna

    Well stated, and exactly how I feel. This is why I love Kansas. The simplicity yet spirit. I love scenes like these…speaks to my heart. Wonderful capture, Dave.

  4. karla

    That is exactly how I feel, as well. These wonderful photos are just a balm for one's soul–so nice to know there still are places like this. Thanks for all the good work, Dave!