A Working Landscape

A Working Landscape

You are warmly invited to the opening of “A Working Landscape” featuring 22 of my images. The show is installed at Pioneer Bluffs, just to the north of Matfield Green, Kansas. The opening party is Saturday afternoon, from 3 to 5 p.m. Anna Patricia Keller...
Green Lacewing

Green Lacewing

Tracking down and photographing insects is among my favorite things to do. So, now that bug season is upon us, I can be found nosing around in brush and weed patches. The green lacewing is a tiny, fragile insect. Overall length is just at 1/2 an inch. That’s a...
Feeding Time

Feeding Time

Milk, gathered from one of the mama goats earlier, is hand-fed to the kid goats by Dennis Wiley. View the slideshow.
Rain Drenched Ravine

Rain Drenched Ravine

West of Matfield Green, Kansas – Spring rains are nurturing life in the Chase County Flint Hills. Music of the riffles fills the air, and there are even small fish darting among the rocks. That surprised me since these ditches were dry as bone not long...
St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day

For color, noise, and pure atmosphere the St. Patrick’s Day parade is a favorite. A SLIDESHOW of shapshots from the parade is also available
Ron Dalbey

Ron Dalbey

Effingham, Kansas – for background on the photo please visit Cheryl’s column Amelia’s Birthplace on Flyover People.