Dogbane Leaf Beetles

Dogbane Leaf Beetles

Flint Hills Natl. Wildlife Refuge, Hartford, Kansas   These are darkish, brilliantly iridescent beetles with green and copper hues.


Greenwood County, Kansas – The dickcissel is one of 3 birds disappearing from the Flint Hills. Read more here….
Black Ant and Aphids #9451

Black Ant and Aphids #9451

Laird’s Pond, Flint Hills Wildlife Refuge – Using its antenna a black ant milks an aphid, freeing a small drop of “honeydew”. Called a “mutualistic relationship” aphids receive protection from predators in exchange for the sweet liquid....
Ants and Aphids

Ants and Aphids

Ants offer protection to aphids in exchange for the sugary “honeydew” left behind when the aphids feed on plant sap.
Sitting in Froggy Paradise

Sitting in Froggy Paradise

After an hour or two slogging around on the pond banks I have enough mud on me that the muck dwellers accept me as one of their own. It helps me get closer to the action. But, as you can tell, I’m still looking down from above. I need to get more into the soup...
Crane Fly on Water Speedwell

Crane Fly on Water Speedwell

The wildflower is Water Speedwell and was found at the edge of the Chase County State Fishing Lake waterfall. Check Kansas Wildflowers and Grasses for more details.