Milkweed Bugs – Moment of Togetherness

Milkweed Bugs – Moment of Togetherness

Konza Prairie nature trail – Milkweed bugs (Oncopeltus fasciatus) taste lousy, part of their defense against predators. Instead of attempting to blend in with their environment they advertise their nastiness with a bright orange warning coloration. Massing together...
Below the Beaver Dam

Below the Beaver Dam

On the edge of Hot Springs Village, Arkansas – A woodland stream pools above a series of beaver dams. Great turtles sun themselves on the logs in the afternoon sun, snakes slither in the grass, a Canada goose stands firm on a small island, bugs, birds, fish, and a...
Perseids Meteor Shower

Perseids Meteor Shower

Photographed from the edge of Lyon County Fishing Lake, Kansas I pulled myself out of bed at 3 a.m. this morning, grabbed my Nikon and headed northwest, away from city lights. I knew the moon would be bright in the sky, obscuring all but the brighter shooting stars....