Kansas Flint Hills

Chase County, Kansas open range – Though browns and golds still dominate the hills, undertones of green are beginning to appear. Cloud shadows are playing light games on the terrain, creating a beautiful afternoon drive on the back roads.

A full panorama view is also available on our Panorama Gallery.




  1. karla

    What a great photo!

  2. Sonda Bruce

    I think I know pretty much where you were when you took this picture– were you East of MFG???? In open range???
    I use to ride all those pastures!!!
    East & West of MFG in open Range have different looks–

  3. Robin

    Just found your website and photos. I am most interested in knowing the answer to the previous comment and whether this was taken near MFG. My GGrandparents settled in and are buried in MFG and I've never been able to see good photos of the area.

  4. Dave Leiker

    Yes, the photo is taken in the open range area east of Matfield Green. It's a magnificent landscape and I love driving down those gravel roads.