by Dave | Mar 13, 2010 | Flint Hills, Landscape
Chase County, Kansas open range – Though browns and golds still dominate the hills, undertones of green are beginning to appear. Cloud shadows are playing light games on the terrain, creating a beautiful afternoon drive on the back roads. A full panorama view is also...
by Dave | Mar 8, 2010 | Flint Hills
Greenwood County, Kansas – on the grounds of a retired farm
by Dave | Mar 7, 2010 | Black and White, Flint Hills
A different view of the farmyard with more room for the sky to have its say.
by Dave | Nov 27, 2009 | Black and White, Equivalence, Flint Hills
Greenwood County, Kansas
by Dave | Nov 14, 2009 | Autumn, Flint Hills
This is a photo from late October. Really, it’s a crop from a widescale-format view of the hills. I was driving down a dirt road when I saw the light on the distant trees. There was a deep ditch to cross, then it required leaning over a barbed wire fence enough...
by Dave | Oct 24, 2009 | Flint Hills, Landscape
Autumn settles on the Flint Hills – Dotted with oil pumps and tanks, this is about a dozen miles east of Cassoday, Kansas. What may be the few remaining traces of the Teterville oil community are found close by, on one of the highest hills in the area. Most Internet...
by Dave | Jun 19, 2009 | arts, Celebrations, Flint Hills, Kansas Culture, Landscape, Symphony in the Flint Hills
The Symphony in the Flint Hills gallery/slideshow is finished. You’ll find a link on the Flyover People galleries page. You’ll need a quick Internet connection, the free Adboe Flash player version 9 or higher, and I recommend a screen resolution of at...
by Dave | Jun 15, 2009 | Flint Hills, Landscape, Symphony in the Flint Hills
Scene from Symphony in the Flint Hills 2009 – A full album of images from the event should be ready by week’s end.
by Dave | Jun 14, 2009 | arts, Celebrations, Flint Hills, Landscape, Symphony in the Flint Hills
Symphony in the Flint Hills 2009 – What can I say? It was incredibly moving, wonderfully organized, artful and full magic moments. It will take a few days to organize our photos from the event and to create a suitable web presentation. Although there are dimensions to...
by Dave | Jun 10, 2009 | Flint Hills, Landscape, Symphony in the Flint Hills
Doyle Creek Ranch, Marion County, Kansas – Site of this weekend’s Symphony in the Flint Hills concert.