by Dave | Aug 30, 2013 | Dissolving, Kansas
Lyon County, Kansas
by Dave | Feb 1, 2009 | Flint Hills, HDR, Kansas, Landscape, Winter
Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge, just north of Hartford, Kansas – Okay, I’m too noisy to sneak up on the ducks who reserve this area for their beach parties. Though it’s mostly iced over, I saw groups of mallards swimming in a few spots of open water....
by Dave | Nov 11, 2008 | Kansas, Still Life, Winter
St. Anthony Cemetery, Chase County, Kansas
by Dave | Oct 24, 2008 | Flint Hills, Kansas, Landscape
Osage County, northeast of Burlingame – water ripples across a rocky stream bed as Autumn colors dominate the creek banks.
by Dave | Sep 18, 2008 | Artifacts, Black and White, HDR, Kansas, Small Towns
Lost Springs, Kansas
by Dave | Sep 17, 2008 | Flint Hills, Kansas, Landscape
Photographed east of Council Grove, as a full moon rose in the evening sky.
by Dave | Sep 15, 2008 | Kansas
An old mailbox in front of the building has “Last Chance” spelled out in white letters, though last chance for what I don’t know. It does have some features of a gas station. In any case it looks like our time has run out. This is found on the...
by Dave | Sep 10, 2008 | Flint Hills, Kansas, Landscape, sunflowers, Wildflowers
Wabaunsee CountyThis image is also available as a computer wallpaper.Two other photos of this are also available here and here.
by Dave | Sep 10, 2008 | Architecture, HDR, Kansas, Small Towns
Florence, KansasLight pours in through the classic lines of a window crowning the front door of an 1889 school house. Some years back the site was lovingly pulled back from the brink, laboriously remodeled, and given a second life as a Bed and Breakfast. Now...
by Dave | Sep 8, 2008 | Kansas, Landscape, Wildflowers