Baby Goats

Baby Goats

Lyon County, KansasThese are young LaMancha goats. It’s a small breed with tiny ears, and they seem to have an appetite for shoe laces. Whenever I got low to the ground for photos, one or more would be nibbling away at my shoelaces or shirt sleeves....
Milk Goats

Milk Goats

Dennis Wiley produces goat cheese from his small herd. Here a couple goats are standing on milking platforms.
Michigan Valley Grain

Michigan Valley Grain

Michigan Valley, Kansas – There is more to this small town than a faded main street (previous post), so I’m adding a second photo to provide some balance. This active agriculture center provides important services for the area. The photo would be more...
Old Salina Flour Mills

Old Salina Flour Mills

Salina, KansasWhen we were young and troublesome, Dad worked at the mill just beyond the green rail car. Some days we’d ride with Mom to drop off a sack lunch for him. It was always exciting to seem him come through one of the big doors and walk down the board...
Kansas Industry – Bunge Corporation

Kansas Industry – Bunge Corporation

For Kansas Day we’re tipping our hat (not that I actually wear one) to the industries that sustain the economic life of our state. I believe the Emporia site is the only Bunge Corporation plant in Kansas, though they employ around 22,000 people in 30...